Were you totally shocked when you heard that you were going to have twins? Or, it might be that twins run in your side of the family, so you weren't that surprised. However, surely you were blown away when you heard that you're expecting both a boy baby and a girl baby.
When you are decorating a bedroom for a baby boy and a baby girl, you've got some fun planning ahead. From arranging for commercial painting to selecting a window treatment, here are some ideas that might help.
​Commercial Painting - The trick in painting the nursery is in making sure that the color suits both your babies. When you arrange for commercial painting, you'll have so many color choices that you might have trouble selecting the ones for the baby room. Consider a pale yellow or very pale mocha for the base color. Another idea is to choose off white and then do a double stripe around the ceiling and around the middle of the room. The double stripe could contain a blue stripe and a pink stripe.
Another idea is to select off-white, pale yellow, or even white for the room and then stencil a gender-neutral design in strategic places. Zoo animals or farm animals would work for a room that will hold both a baby girl and a baby boy.
Whatever you decide for the painted wall treatment, the commercial painters will have the training and the experience to do an excellent job. Plus, they will have the knowledge to suggest the type of paint that would work best in the baby room. For instance, it will probably be recommended that washable paint be used in case your new bundles of joy draw on the walls.
The Window Treatment - Think of selecting plantation shutters. Either a light tan or white would be great in a baby's room. The great thing about choosing plantation shutters is that they will look great now with baby furniture in the room, and then they'll work equally well later when the babies grow older and need a more updated look.
If you have your heart set on making your own fabric curtains, go for it! Consider something like denim with colorful ribbons for the tie-backs. Or, choose a fabric that has baby animals as the main design. Whatever you choose, a cheerful design will help brighten your day every time you come in the baby's room to change double diapers.