What to Do Before Your Start to Paint

Painting will always be one of the most popular home remodel projects for DIYers. There are few projects that are as cost-effective and have such easy labor. But, you should know that painting requires more than just picking up a can of paint and a brush. If you want your paint job to look professional and clean, you need to do it right. One of the most important aspects that you should focus on is the preparation work. This article explains the best way to prepare interior surfaces, like drywall, to be painted. You will learn everything you need to do before you even pick up the paint brush.

Remove the Furniture

Start by preparing your room for the paint job by removing as much of the furniture as possible. You may also push your furniture to the center of your room so you can cover it up all at once. But, if you are going to paint your walls and your ceiling, it might be a lot easier to just completely remove all of the furniture from that room.

Clean Up the Walls

The next step is to smooth out your walls. This doesn't mean you need to sand your entire wall surface. You just want to make your wall texture is as uniform as possible. Start by removing any nails and filling the holes with painter's putty. If you have any larger blemishes in your driveway, you might need drywall patch. This is a whole other project and the difficulty depends on how large the hole is, and what type of texture your walls have. Whether you learn how to fix these larger problems yourself, or hire professionals to do it, you want to get them done before you start to paint. If there are any sections of your wall that are slightly scuffed up, just buff them out with a handheld fine grit sponge sander.

Mask Off Your Walls

The final step is to finish your preparation by masking off your walls. You want to use a combination of tape, painters plastic, and paper to cover any part of the room that won't be painted. There are all sorts of handy paint and tape dispensers that make it easy to mask large areas very quickly. Helpful tip: use paper to cover the flat surfaces that you will be walking on and plastic to cover the vertical surfaces. Plastic is lighter, so it is better for covering window fixtures and walls. Sturdy construction paper is safer to walk on and will help absorb spills.

Now that you've done all the preparation work, you can start painting your walls. If you have questions or would prefer a professional to tackle the job, contact residential painters like Mike & Sons Painting Ltd.
